Water represents our ever-changing emotions, but can also flow us back into a tranquil state of being. I experience nightmares almost every night. Most are lucid—often blending reality with twisted magic. I’ve found the experience harrowing, vivid, even dispiriting. Sweet dreams—ones that leave me feeling sweet upon wake—come few and far between. It’s said that to quell a nightmare, you’re to reimagine a positive outcome the following morning. After many attempts, Maidens by the Pool was a dream that finally came to me.
The original nightmare: a weyr of golden dragons incinerate innocent villagers in their wake and decide I am next. In the morning, with my eyes still closed, I envision a peaceful village, where the dragons have long disappeared. Experiencing the dream detailed this vision, with maidens congregating around a water-filled engawa.
Artist, Director
Pearlyn Lii
Alexandra Darby (Art Director), Kyle Chang (Photographer, Assistant), Jon-Luke Fillippi (Producer), Dylin Bumpus (Crew)
Artist, Director
Pearlyn Lii
Pearlyn Lii
Alexandra Darby (Art Director), Kyle Chang (Photographer, Assistant), Jon-Luke Fillippi (Producer), Dylin Bumpus (Crew)
︎Featured in Sleepwal[k]ing
(Concept of the Year)
︎Collected by @ElisabethJohs on Foundation

3600 × 4800
✺ Various images composited together
Special thanks to
Luis Fillippi, Kayla Fillippi, Diego Marini, Connie Lui, Denize Maaløe, Krystal Greven
Luis Fillippi, Kayla Fillippi, Diego Marini, Connie Lui, Denize Maaløe, Krystal Greven